Board Meeting 11/4/19

  1. Open the meeting
  2. Attendance (quorum = 2/3rds attendance = 8/12 board members)
    1. We have quorum!
  3. Unfinished business and committee reports
    1. 80th Anniversary Events
      1. Jimmy Z Oldies Show
        1. Great event – still awaiting final tally from Zandri’s business manager
        2. But! From tickets, raffle, merch, total probably closer to $5000 than $2500!! 
        3. Just moving forward/if this event would ever happen again, would be great if board had more communication with host (Jimmy Z)/if more station personnel were present 
      2. Banning Eyre
        1. Success!!!
        2. Glad some folks stuck around until the end
        3. Will definitely keep programs shorter in the future
      3. Record Fair Nov 17
        1. Dylan – will need several cars for this (Wesleyan vans would be especially helpful)
        2. Looking good! 2 vendor spots left
        3. Need to promote on campus (SUPER IMPORTANT) and in town!
          1. We have flyers and a FB page! 
          2. ARGUS, AURAL WES, FLYERS ON CAMPUS, Where else?
          3. Thanks to Jen for Record Fair promotions and for DJ lineup! Let’s start promoting the DJ sets on FB!!!
          4. Any other record fairs to promote at before our show? Cromwell Record Riot?
        4. Service hours?  
      4. JKK Lecture – Dec 4 @ 4:30
        1. Please plan to bring a friend!!
        2. Can we write an article/press release and try to get it published in campus and community publications?
          1. Angle: JKK back from sabbatical for this lecture, etc. (we can write up a short memo and then pass it along)
        3. Outreach to relevant fall classes…
        4. Amy will be point person on this, engaging JKK about what she thinks we should do/if there are any department professors or classes she thinks we can rope in
        5. Perhaps same food as last time? Maybe B&B Wings?
        6. Leith will look into faculty community forum
      5. 12/8 Commemorative Event – Dec 8 @ DFC
        1. Can we make it a food drive as well? (i.e. entry is free with a donation for Amazing Grace Food pantry?)
        2. Name of event?
          1. Something straight-forward, but with a bit of a hook would be ideal… 
        3. Limitations to what we can do in DFC? Should we ask? 
        4. Confirmed Performers include: Rani Arbo, Dan LaRosa, Lazslo,
        5. Invited performers include: Noah Baerman, Nekita Waller,
        6. Still to invite are: Moses Brothers, Kate Rushin,
        7. Potential University Dignitaries include: Michael Roth, Clifton Watson, Noah Baerman (perhaps as a keynote speaker?)
        8. Potential Elected Dignitaries: Middletown Mayor
        9. WESU Speakers: Stephan Allison (Retired MCA Administrator and longtime WESU “Arts” DJ) & Cormac!
        10. What to do about food? 
          1. Birthday cake? Franco? His sister’s bakery has helped us out before (but also we might be able to get more than a cake out of it)
          2. Seek finger food donations from Typhoon, Havelli, Red & Black? It’s awkward, but we can offer them underwriting, appreciation/gratitude, etc.
          3. Form a subcommittee for this?
        11. Host/MC? Jenny Doll?
          1. The board has voted: Jenny Doll will host!
        12. Board invitations to dignitaries?
        13. Need to get proclamation request in motion. Reach out to Bryan Skowera. 
    2. Program/mission discussion
      1. Where are we with this discussion?
    3. Public affairs standard
      1. Discuss with Cormac
  4. New business
    1. Thanksgiving Break – program coverage plan
    2. Pledge drive
      1. Goal is $25K
      2. Need a Design for the Knit Cap
        1. Should it be commemorative?
        2. Will have to be embroidered… 
      3. New sticker
        1. 80th Record logo white on black?
      4. Aiming to get mailer out by next weekend (11/15)
        1. Will need help getting mailing ready (folding program guides, stamping and labeling envelopes, Per Ben M’s direction)
    3. Staff attendance
      1. What can we do to increase participation in general but ESPECIALLY for DFC meeting??
    4. [Board has retired for executive session to discuss an ongoing personnel matter]
  5. Other updates
    1. Training – last week! Informed everyone that record fair is not only way to receive service hours!
    2. MD Newsletter
  6. Round up/summary of tasks for next week
    1. Finalize lineup of performers and dignitaries – Need tech director / stage manager
    2. Host? Jenny Doll?
    3. Name for event? Do we really need one?
    4. Promote event with finalized details as Press release (w aim to publish in argus, wes forums, and Middletown Press, FB event, and insta.
    5. Event Program (print)
    6. Food donations
    7. Event flyer
    8. Invite Dignitaries
    9. Need to get PR and lineup to University Communications in the next few days
  7. Close