Board Meeting 3/3/20

  1. Open meeting
  2. Attendance
    1. We have quorum
  3. Unfinished business
    1. Training
      1. Going very smoothly so far
      2. About 25 people, with 5-8 board members
      3. Several people missed the 1st sessions but still want to do training – Victoria will let them if they do an extra service hour
      4. Internship checklist coming out soon
      5. Any board member who wants to come to training is more than welcome
      6. Incorporating pledge drive into training!! I.e. what is a DJ’s responsibility within pledge drive
    2. Programing
      1. Spring break coverage signup sheet has been sent out; hopefully we have people covering
      2. Program guides will be back from the printer this week! Will be ready for when we send out pledge drive packets
    3. Old Pledge Drive
      1. Still chipping away at sending out pledge drive packets but almost done
    4. Record fair
      1. FB page + flyers made
      2. Will add record fair promotion to WordPress too
      3. Possible cross-promotion with Russell Library (thanks to Bryan Skowera)
        1. Dylan will get in touch with them
      4. List of DJs spinning vinyl has been finished thanks to Jen; Chaim asked if we could create another flyer (digital or physical) with the list of these DJs
        1. Lulu can work on this over spring break
    5. Anthony Fantano event
      1. Still going to try (land at something like $2500) per Rick’s suggestion
      2. Dylan will do this
    6. Concert
      1. Dylan and Carina are working on getting the space booked
      2. Joanne Rafferty, director of SALD, signs off on all concert committee contracts
    7. Legacy docs
      1. Reminder for board members to get on this before elections!
    8. [Board has retired to executive session to discuss ongoing personnel matter]
  4. New business
    1. Jive at Five
      1. Luke has interest and ideas
      2. Jefferson Randall, Jack Sullivan, and one other person are interested
      3. Bill Denert has Tuesdays and Wednesdays; Lulu has Friday…
      4. The main thing is we need someone who is overseeing it all, making sure it gets done now that we’re expanding personnel involved
      5. If we can have someone reliable doing the Monday copy (takes about 3 hours), that would be IDEAL
        1. Currently being filled by Helen
    2. Staff meetings
      1. Bryan’s suggestion to make them more interactive and useful. Activities and group sessions following – business. How to institutionalize?
      2. Might be more of a next year’s board thing… but we should think about this before next staff meeting if possible
    3. (New) Pledge Drive
      1. Will be starting in early april. Just need to come up with pledge drive premiums before break to allow enough time to get things into place.
      2. Let’s strategize on how to get the board more involved
      3. Calls Without Walls – trying to use this for better pledge drive/phonebanking tech
      4. Another option is for board to work closely with BM to keep an updated list of pledge drive donations around the station
  5. Other updates
    1. WesNest
      1. Ben M met with Wes staff from Usdan/SALD and learned quite a bit about booking our reservations and utilizing this new campus system/resource – will add folks as necessary.
      2. Should help with finances, institutional knowledge (goals legacy), etc.
    2. Antenna update
      1.  BM working with all the contractors to get work done next Week (Wednesday, weather pending)
    3. Grant report submitted
    4. Time for BMI report music tracking of 3-4 days of every song we play for BMI royalties.
  6. Summary/roundup
  7. Close meeting