Board Meeting 10/28/19

  1. Open the meeting
  2. Attendance
    1. We’ve got quorum
  3. Unfinished business and committee reports
    1. Jimmy Z Oldies Show 
      1. As of today, it’s sold out!!
      2. About 350 people will be in attendance, between diners and dancers
      3. Merch table – Ben M will staff it, Leith will potentially help out as well
        1. Ben M will email the staff list asking for additional volunteers to help with merch table
    2. Akua Naru event
      1. Really great! This one felt better and more intimate than the one last semester
      2. Keep eye out for next event, Banning Eyre!!
      3. If board wasn’t there, attendance would’ve been suboptimal; but also, on that note, imagine how many more people would’ve been there if each board member brought 1-2 more people! 
      4. Luke finished up editing the recorded program!
    3. Record fair
      1. Budget has been confirmed, but funds have not been transferred yet – Ben M and Carina will work on obtaining access to the funds (we need smartkey no. and Carina isn’t aware of what it is)
      2. We should reach out to the Argus, Wesleying, and Aural Wes for advertising
        1. We need to connect with Amy about this – Dillon will talk to Amy about this
    4. 80th Commemorative event (During staff meeting on Dec 8 – 6-8 pm)
      1. We still don’t have a name for this!
        1. Tagline could be “celebrating 80 years of WESU” or something
      2. Need to book venue – Dylan will look into DFC and Beckham (Beckham is priority, especially because we’ve utilized the space for live performances before)
      3. We should have 3-4 acts that perform like 1 song each, and then a main act that performs until everyone goes home
        1. Acts = solo/small performances (~ cameos)
        2. Main act = actual band
      4. We need to move on booking performers and dignitaries!! (especially students)
        1. We need to send an email about this/talk about it in staff meeting
        2. Cormac will speak! Laszlo will perform!
  4. New business
    1. Pledge drive 
      1. Drive will start before Thanksgiving
      2. it will entail lots of folding of pledge drive packets and program guides
        1. Good to put trainees to work on this!!
  5. Other updates
    1. To be deleted folder on PCs 
      1. it was Anton Banks (he’s an IT guy). Leith will reach out to him and work with Luke and make sure there’s a systematic way of doing all of this
    2. Public affairs standard
      1. Cormac sent out a “beta” version with minor tweaks – this beta version makes it mandatory to emphasize that opinions are subjective, etc. and also to emphasize lived experiences of DJs
      2. We should all read over Cormac’s new version, chat about it (i.e. at our executive session) and vote on whether to adopt it next board meeting
    3. Code of conduct
      1. Possible separation between rules & regulations and code of conduct (i.e. more behavioral/procedural) within the manual
        1. Ben M: there’s no need to separate unless we have evidence
    4. PR – DJ profiles on Instagram
      1. Amy wants to profile some of the more prominent, enduring shows to amp up our digital presence other than just event promotion
    5. Also PR – Amy is no longer going abroad…. We need to figure out what to do re: Lulu as next PR director
    6. Training
      1. Finishing up this week with production-focused sessions
      2. We should all think about exam
  6. Roundup/summary of tasks for next week
  7. Close