Board Meeting 12/2/19

  1. Open meeting
  2. Attendance
    1. We do NOT have quorum! But we are not making any decisions today
    2. It’s the day after Thanksgiving and we are missing 5 board members, but Amy will likely show up later
  3. Old Business
    1. Personnel
      1. Victoria made a Google sheet to coordinate practicals 
      2. 2 slots for each time/day, 1 for a board member, 1 for a trainee to fill
      3. Practicals will be offered (and board members will be needed) Wed Dec 4 – Tues Dec 10
      4. First board members should input their availability, then trainees can decide when they want to go and email the board member listed for their preferred slot, and that board member will then reserve on the Google calendar
        1. Luke, Leith have access – if you’ve never used it, reach out to one of them to receive access
    2. Pledge Drive
      1. Still slowly coming along – no progress was made over holiday weekend
      2. Need to get thermometer on website (Carina and Leith will work on this) 
      3. Ben M will send out an email tomorrow with updates for staff/extended friends of WESU (~ 1500 people)
      4. Ben M can accommodate some service hours this week with the mailing for pledge drive
    3. 80th events
      1. Kauanui Event this Wednesday, ALLB @ 4:30
        1. Board got an email from Jason, who said he didn’t know that JKK event was happening… we need to market these events better!! 
          1. We need an all-staff email to go out this week advertising both events! (Primarily push JKK event, but secondarily push 80th event, in lieu of all staff meeting this Sunday (look at Ben’s last email about 80th))
            1. Carina will do this
          2. We should each invite people to the FB event
        2. We should record it! Just one person, mic-ed, shouldn’t be too hard…
        3. Board members’ presence is very important!!! (we can’t count on Clifton bringing many friends & family like Akua Naru event)
          1. Board members should ideally each bring 1 person
        4. Possible ideas to extend service hours to trainees to come to this event (and ones in the future)
          1. Get a service hour for not just attending but bringing someone to the event
          2. Get a service hour by writing a FB post and inviting people, or writing a review retrospectively that we can post on the website
      2. Free Form Jubilee this Sunday!
        1. Promoting this event:
          1. Only 9 RSVPs so far!
          2. A Middletown Press article is in the works
          3. Has any effort been made to spread the word through Aural Wes, Wesleying, Argus, etc?
        2. Service hours for trainees? Perhaps have someone at the bottom directing people to DFC? And/or trainees can staff a merch table?
        3. Food
          1. Haveli is locked down if we want it (thanks Dillon!)
          2. Thinking of putting in ~$500 into food
        4. Currently ~ 45 min of programming, want to figure out a way to thank staff also
        5. Hoping to meet with Dylan and any other interested folks at DCF tomorrow/Tues
          1. need to determine stage setup, lighting, sound, food, seating etc
        6. Special invites: SBC/WSA chairs? Michael Roth? Rob Rosenthal?
          1. Cormac will reach out to Aditi, SBC chair; Carina will reach out to Michael Roth/Rob Rosenthal
  4. New Business
    1. [Board has retired to executive session to discuss new personnel matter]
  5. Other updates
    1. PR: 
      1. there are several flyers for the JKK event (in the studio, outside Ben M’s door, near water cooler); Amy will put some of those out, but if board members could help disseminate them too, that would be great
      2. Can promote via Facebook, our website too (especially should promote performers because we have a really cool lineup)
  6. Roundup/summary
    1. Personnel: Victoria is sending out an email to board with Google Sheet for scheduling and examiner guidelines for board members administering the practicals
  7. Close